
Entity Definition

Logical Name : Telephone
Physical Name : LO_PH

A telephone, cellular, pager, fax or other telecommunication device number.

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
TelephoneID (PK) A unique system assigned identifier for this Telephone number ID_PH Identity integer
ITUCountryCode (FK) A 1 - 3 digit telephone number dialling code denoting a Country or similar locality as assigned by the International Telgraphic Union (ITU). CD_CY_ITU PhoneNumberCountryCode char(3) ITUCountry(LO_CY_ITU)
AreaCode The 1 - 6 digit area code that further categorizes the Telephone with it's Country. TA_PH PhoneNumberAreaCode char(5)
TelephoneNumber The 5 - 8 digit number for the Telephone within the confines of the ITUCountryCode and AreaCode. TL_PH PhoneNumberLocal varchar(20)
ExtensionNumber Addtional numbers required to reach a Party's Telephone or voice mailbox. PH_EXTN PhoneNumberExtension char(5)
CompleteNumber The complete telephone number including the CountryCode, AreaCode, Telephone Number and ExtensionNumber. PH_CMPL PhoneNumberComplete varchar(32)


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
ITUCountry is part of Telephone
Telephone is a PartyContactMethod
Telephone is contact for RetailTransactionDeliveryPreference
Telephone is used by SiteContactMethod

Logical Views containing Telephone

Logical View
Logical 02110 - Item Inventory - Location View
Logical 02340 - Retail Transaction - Shipping View
Logical 02341 - Retail Transaction - Change for Charities View
Logical 06310 - Party - Role View
Logical 06320 - Party - Address and Contact View
Logical 06330 - Party - Identification View
Logical 07010 - Customer Account Information Extended
Logical 07019 - Party-Consumer-Customer Household View
Logical 07030 - Customer Segment Independent Characteristics
Logical 10100 - Enterprise - Locations Macro View
Logical 11100 - Worker - Macro View